Definitive guide

How to create a mind-blowing wix portfolio websites website with/without a web designer

Best Wix Portfolio Websites of 2023 | 15 Examples + Templates

Professional Website Example

Here’s how to get started.

Are you looking for the best wix portfolio websites website designs? Or are you looking for some inspiring templates?
You came to the right place. See, many people who need a wix portfolio websites website invest a lot of money to get one. They hire extremely expensive web designers who often build low-quality websites. Although I'm not blaming anybody, I have a better idea for you.

Build it yourself. On this page you’ll find clear instructions to do it – even if you don’t have any experience. I’ll recommend you a couple of tools that I trust. If you decide to purchase a tool I recommend, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you.

Do you prefer to have a professional web designer do it for you? I got your back. Scroll down to check out my recommended web designer.

They're great at building wix portfolio websites websites!
The best wix portfolio websites of 2023.
David Milan Portfolio Website Example

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

1. David Milan

David Millan is an art director and lettering artist. I love how he constructed his portfolio around this lettering art. His homepage is filled with portfolio projects and does a great job of showcasing his creativity. Click the link to see what I’m talking about!

Things we love about this web design

  • Very powerful images
  • Nice logo design
  • Lots of portfolio examples

Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

Victoire Duoy - Pink Web Design

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

2. Victoire Duoy


Victoire Duoy’s website is refreshing to the eye. As you scroll down, a thread connects all illustrations. Such a nice concept to let visitors stay willingly from start to finish. I love the soft tones of pink that is definitely a pleasing color to the eyes. Well done!

Things we love about this web design

  • Stylish designs
  • Smooth animations
  • Excellent branding

Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

Studio Bagaz Portfolio Website Example

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

3. Studio Bagaz

This is definitely an inspiring portfolio example. I absolutely loved the color scheme presented as all corner looked chic and polished. This is the website to visit if you’re into clear value proposition and interesting layouts! I am sure you’ll only have a pleasant experience while browsing. 

Things we love about this web design

  • Love the color scheme
  • Clear value proposition
  • Great website set up

Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

Thank God It's Monday - Wix Website Example

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

4. Thank God It’s Monday

Creativity with purpose! Thank God It’s Monday is the award-winning design and branding work of Craig Valentino. This one readily features his works on the homepage for the viewers to see. This is a great move for a portfolio-focused website because the pages look nice with large-sized texts that capture attention.

Things we love about this web design

  • Visually-pleasing color palettes
  • Large-sized texts capture the viewer’s attention
  • Clean and straightforward web design

Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

Chahat Prempakashi - Wix Website Example

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

5. Chahat Premprakashi 

I super love the simplicity and cuteness of this website! This could be one of the most organized and clean websites I’ve seen by far. It works well not just on a desktop but also on a mobile interface. The website speaks for the user experience designer, Chahat, herself. A well-thought-out portfolio can also be seen here! Amazing. 

Things we love about this web design

  • Smooth scrolling animations
  • Amazing color scheme and graphics
  • Well-thought-out portfolio page

Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

Rafael Varona - Wix Website Example

Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

6. Rafael Varona

This is a gem! Aside from a very cool and fun animation video above the fold, scrolling through this website will leave you in awe, as if you’re staring at sculptures in a museum. Clicking a project on the portfolio will then redirect you to a page with its full details. Clean, fun, visually pleasing, and easy-to-follow. 

Things we love about this web design

  • Soft color scheme
  • Whimsical characters and illustrations
  • Personal descriptions for every project

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Wendy Ju - Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    7. Wendy Ju

    Wendy Ju could be one of those websites with the smoothest scrolling animations. You’ll never know what to expect from this website, but you’ll be surprised by what it can do. A cool mouseover effect on the introduction below the fold awaits. Click the link immediately.

    Things we love about this web design

    • Cool mouseover effect on the introduction below the fold
    • Outstanding portfolio section
    • Unique navigation bar and logo

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Christina Vanessa Portfolio Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    8. Christina Vanessa

    Christina Vanessa decided to do things a little bit differently with her portfolio website. She leverages a powerful background video combined with slick typography. Very classy! If you’re considering introducing video backdrops into your site design, take a look here. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Nice background video
    • Clean design
    • Clear call to action

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Sophie Britt Portfolio Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    9. Sophie Britt

    Sophie Britt is a visual designer with a very unique portfolio website. She decided to keep things clean and use lots of whitespace. I love how she uses shiny colors to add playfulness to her portfolio! Keep your portfolio organized just like this one! There’s a lot to learn just by clicking the link.

    Things we love about this web design

    • Amazing artwork
    • Playful colors
    • Lots of whitespace

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Lena Steinkuhler Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    10. Lena Steinkühler

    Lena Steinkühler’s portfolio website is incredible! I love how the designer made sure to incorporate an amazing 3D art in the beginning as it makes a solid first impression. Furthermore, all typography chosen make the whole page more interesting to the eye. Fun and creative, I must say. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Amazing 3D art
    • Cool typography
    • Very unique design style

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Steve Wolf Portfolio Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    11. Steve Wolf

    Steve Wolf’s website is to die for. I love the approach the designers took – big and bold images combined with a minimalistic design. In terms of navigation, a sticky header shows on every page of the site, keeping things nice and straightforward. Great platform to explore on. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Nice building blocks
    • Powerful images
    • Lots of whitespace

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Tobias Becs – Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    12. Film Folie

    Film Folie is an absolute expert in videography. The visual content here is sure to take your breath away. Crisp images greet you, paired with vibrant color hues that create a nice impression. I suggest visiting this one to witness how an eye-catching interface makes a difference. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Eye-catching interface
    • Snackable animation videos. Breath-taking!
    • Unique live-streaming services

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Tobias Becs – Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    13. Leesha Williams

    Leesha Williams has a great portfolio website. I love browsing her page to see high-quality images that tell a story. If you’re a photographer, I am sure you’ll have the best time here. Each corner presents great copywriting and stylish visual treat! Lovely outcome. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Lots of whitespaces
    • Powerful images
    • Great copywriting

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Tobias Becs – Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    14. Oakwood

    Oakwood’s portfolio is filled with cool fonts and beautiful imagery. Definitely check this one out if you’re into modern layouts! The homepage will capture your attention from the get-go and urge you to browse the whole thing. I had fun exploring each page and I am sure you will too. 

    Things we love about this web design

    • Nice font choice
    • A long homepage, great to explore this business to its fullest
    • Cool color scheme

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Tobias Becs – Wix Website Example

    Our verdict: ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑

    15. Johnny Valentine

    Get ready for some quirky vibes and youthful irreverence at Johnny Valentine. This website starts with an energetic video above the fold.  Then, the photos below definitely leave a lasting impression on the viewers. See how high-quality media make websites extraordinary compared to others.

    Things we love about this web design

    • Some of his works are readily shown on the homepage
    • Dynamic color palettes
    • Artistic imagery!

    Hire our team, or start your free Wix trial now.

    Here's how to get the most out of this article:

    1. Discover which themes are used by the best website examples
    2. Learn how to build a website without coding with my free mini course
    3. Find a web designer who can build your website
    Now you've found some cool wix portfolio websites examples,

    here are your next steps.

    Ralph de Groot

    Find a web designer, or do it yourself.

    The team at My Codeless Website offers high-quality websites for fair prices. We partnered up with a professional web design agency to deliver jaw-dropping websites that are not just good-looking, but conversion-focused.

    Proven track record of over 300 websites built
    Organized, easy-to-follow process from start to finish
    Experts guide you through the architecture of your website

    wix portfolio websites website building
    You can use these amazing wix portfolio websites websites as inspiration for your own website. Of course you shouldn't copy these websites. Simply pick your favourite ones and blend them into your perfect design.
    wix portfolio websites website design
    I hope you enjoyed these wix portfolio websites website examples. If you need help to design a website, make sure to request a free quote. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out!

    About the author

    Ralph de Groot loves great web design. In fact, you can wake him up at night if you found an inspiring website. Besides writing at My Codeless Website he also loves to read and to travel.


    What makes a good Wix portfolio website?

    A great Wix portfolio design should have a clean design, be easy to navigate and include a lot of social proof. Have a look at this page for great example websites.

    How to create a Wix portfolio website?

    1. Analyze the best examples on this page
    2. Make notes of what you like – and what you don’t like
    3. Design your own site with Wix

    How much does a Wix portfolio website cost?

    A web designer will charge anywhere between $2500 and $5000 for a decent portfolio website. However, this article will teach you to do it yourself for less than $100.

    What information is needed on a Wix portfolio website?

    Your Wix portfolio website will need at least the following pages: ‘Home, About Us, Contact, and Portfolio.’ To create trust with your visitor, it’s important to show lots of pictures of your team and your latest projects.