Coming Soon Website Examples
12 inspiring examples → view all of them here

1. HERZOG.law
The color palette used for the one page coming soon website HERZOG.law makes it visually appealing. The contrast between the white and the dark orange gives the website a sleek, contemporary appeal. Even the font style that was selected fits in nicely with the overall design. They were able to give the website a unique identity by using these components.Â

2. Magician
The magician’s website is a new and original approach for a coming soon website, and I believe it to be my favorite design on the list. It is now ready for launch, and I am confident that the public will also enjoy it because all the elements—including the graphics and animation—were well-polished. Check them out right away!

3. Coming Soon
This website looks trendy because of the background that they chose for the design. I love the gradient effect that matches the comic sans font style. The large texts create an emphasis that can make the audience expect the website launching. Even the call-to-action button looks great and makes the design even more outstanding. What a job well done!
Portfolio Website Examples
58 inspiring examples → view all of them here
1. Illo
Oh yes. Looking for a modern portfolio website example? Illo definitely is one to watch!  This design studio created a bold portfolio design by using powerful colors combined with big fonts. Love it! Illo is a design firm specializing in motion design, illustration, and art direction. Colorful aesthetics and straightforward storytelling. They are a multinational team centered in Italy, and they, of course, enjoy pizza.
2. Dennis Krawec
Haha oh yes. You definitely want to have a look at this one. Dennis Krawec was actively listening when you asked him to ‘go bold with your portfolio website’.  The creativity is everywhere! If you’re into unique web design, bold colors/shapes, and alive vibes, this is the one you should look into.Â
3. Created by Carla
Carla is a freelance marketing consultant with a nice portfolio website. As you click on the portfolio section of this website, you’ll find a powerful call to action which invites you to get in touch. I’m sure this website converts many visitors into customers!
Testimonial Website Examples
14 inspiring examples → view all of them here
1. Huel
Huel (Human + Fuel) is a nutritionally complete food formulated by James Collier. With that in mind, featuring registered dietitians & nutritionists in the testimonials section is such a great move to further build trust and connect with the viewers!
2. Native
Native offers viewers a minimalist and at the same time classic testimonial design. I love how the stars are very much highlighted because of the white space. Nice!
3. Musee
Now, this is where testimonials meet aesthetics! Seriously, I love the design. It is minimal, it has a lovely soft-muted color scheme, and the images? the BOMB!
News Website Examples
23 inspiring examples → view all of them here
1. ABC News
If you’re someone who watches the news every day but suddenly can’t because of personal reasons, you can visit ABC News. They have various trending videos for you to check out. Also, they have news for every topic, so you will still be updated wherever, wherever you are.
2. CNN
CNN is a famous news platform wherever you are. If you haven’t seen its website, you definitely should to keep yourself updated with what’s happening worldwide. CNN has a neat and organized Featured Section you could explore on. You could also search a specific topic with ease.Â
3. BBC
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the national broadcaster of the United Kingdom. Aside from giving its visitors the news they deserve on its website, they also have every report in various languages. How cool is that? Wherever you are, you can read any article in the language you are most comfortable reading.