Definitive guide

Statistics on Big Data

Big Data Statistics 2025 – 35 Key Facts For Startups

Big Data has been helping businesses of all sizes to catapult their growth and become more relevant to their target market. Thus, here are 35 key facts on Big Data Statistics for startups to leverage themselves in the ever-data-driven business world they’re getting into.

(By the way, I made a post on the best WordPress plugins for Big Data. If you need inspiring designs for your business or portfolio, feel free to check them any time!)

1. Big Data and business analytics global market value grew by 42.032% in 2021.

Based on the report from Gitnux and The Insight Partners, the Big Data and business analytics global market grew by $70.95 billion from 2018 to 2021, which represents a 42.032% growth.

The Big Data and business analytics global market value was reported at $168.8 billion dollars in 2018 and rose to $239.75 Billion in 2021. The market is projected to increase in the next couple of years as Big Data becomes a necessity for economic growth.

2. The compound annual growth rate of the Big Data and business analytics market is projected to be 15.3% from 2022 to 2028.

Insight Partners said the Big Data analytics market size value will reach $638.66 billion by 2028, which was computed from the base year 2022. Accordingly, the Big Data business analytics market size value in 2021 was reported at $239.75 billion.

This will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 15.3%. The projected growth, the experts said, is due to the increasing demand businesses have for real-time insights to enhance customer experiences, drive efficiency in operations, and optimize processes.

3. Big Data Technology market size surpassed projections by 301.857% in 2022.

As per Gitnux, the Big Data Technology and Service market was projected to reach a global market value of $77 billion by 2023. However, the actual recorded value for the Big Data Technology market in 2022 alone was already at $309.43 billion according to GlobalNewsire.

This is a whopping 301.85% increase in projections. The said market is expected to even grow at a compound annual rate of 13.6% from 2023 to 2030. The 2030 projected value for the Big Data Technology market is $842.17 billion globally.

4. The number of data created daily increased by 40% in 2023.

Exploding Topics highlighted that there are 3.5 quintillion bytes of data created daily in 2023. The said number increased by 40% compared to 2020 records when there were only 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created daily.

5. Enterprise adoption for Big Data skyrocketed by an average of 247.059% increase over a three-year span since 2015.

Records show that enterprises speedily adopted the use and benefit of Big Data for their business operations from 2015 to 2018. Based on Gitnux, enterprise adoption was only at 17% in 2015 but soared to 59% in 2018.

This reflects a 247.059% average increase in a span of three years due to the potential Big Data has on business development, growth, and increased investment

6. Data creation is projected to reach a minimum of 163 zettabytes come 2025.

Experts project an exponential growth in the number of data created due to the booming Big Data industry amounting to 163 zettabytes by 2025. One zettabyte is one billion gigabytes. Thus, 163 zettabytes is 163 billion gigabytes.

With this projection, experts also anticipate that the volume of data that will be analyzed come 2025 will be more than 150 billion gigabytes or 150 zettabytes.

7. There was a 10% increase in the amount of data and information available online from 2013 to 2020.

Accordingly, the amount of data and information in 2013 was recorded at 4.4 billion gigabytes or (4.4 zettabytes). This grew by 10% in a span of seven (7) years come 2020 when it was recorded at 44 billion gigabytes (44 zettabytes). This statistical information clearly shows the profound evolution of the Big Data Industry and its leverage in business competition.

8. In 2020, 56% of business data was captured through operations.

The 2020 Seagate Rethink Data Survey revealed that more than half or 56% of business data is captured from its operations. The remaining 44% of data remains dormant or uncaptured. Yet, surprisingly, only 57% of the captured business data is actually used by the enterprise. 43% of the captured data is left unused or untapped for business development and growth.

9. Continuous Intelligence (CI) was projected to be incorporated by at least 50% of enterprises in 2022.

Gartner, a global think-tank, projected that at least 50% of enterprises will incorporate continuous intelligence in their major business systems in 2022. Gartner explained that continuous intelligence refers to real-time intelligence generated by the cloud, growth data sensors, and streaming software. It is used by enterprises to improve business decisions based on the context of real-time data.

10. The Stream Processing Market is projected to increase by 140.74% over the next four years.

Exploding Topics reported that the current sizing aggregate data for the Stream Processing Market is valued at $30 billion this 2023. This is projected to increase to $52 billion come 2027, which shows a 140.74% growth rate.

The report explained that stream processing is used by enterprises for Continuous Intelligence as it captures data in real-time for storage and analysis. With the strong demand for real-time business data, analysts expect steady growth for the Stream Processing Market.

The market sizing aggregate data is then projected to be valued at $32.27 billion in 2024 and $47.38 billion in 2025. While it is projected to be $41.63 billion in 2026 and $52 billion in 2027.

11. The Stream Processing Market has been growing at an average rate of 100.23% for the last nine years.

Based on a CBI Insights of analysts’ consensus, the stream processing market was valued at $0.50 billion in 2015. The consensus showed that this increased to $3.08 billion in 2016 and dropped to $0.00 billion in 2017.

The Stream Processing market picked up again in 2018 when it garnered a market value of $5.34 billion. The market continued to increase to more than double or $10.30 billion in 2019 but quickly fell to $4.63 billion in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, the steady increase of the market size value began in 2021 when it was recorded at $13.70 and in 2022 at $15.90. This 2023 it garnered a market value of $21.60 billion and will continue to skyrocket over the next four years. Thus, the average growth rate from 2015 to 2023 was at 100.23%.

12. 36% of organizations find the surge of data in the next 3 to 5 years a hindrance to productivity.

In a survey conducted by Exploding Topics, more than a third or 36% of organizations admit they find “the tsunami of data” that will be made available by 2025 overwhelming. These organizations anticipate that the influx of business data will only “overwhelm our IT infrastructure.”

They assume that this will only lead “to a loss in productivity.” While 54% anticipate their organization will “be more vulnerable to cyberattacks and data loss.”

13. 95% of organizations are preparing to “become a ‘smart’ enterprise” over the next three years.

The Exploding Topics survey also revealed that most organizations are preparing from 2023 to 2025 to “become a ‘smart’ enterprise.” The three-year preparation entails collecting and analyzing “data from across our business.” On the other hand, another 93% stated they’ll become a “data-driven organization” by 2025. They plan to make “decisions based on insights.”

14. 83% of organizations envision themselves “to become a zettabyte enterprise” by 2025

Many organizations also revealed plans of conditioning themselves “to become a zettabyte enterprise.” By this, they intend “to keep up with the explosion of data consumption, creation, and replication” come 2025.

In addition, another 89% of organizations have already made plans to hire a chief data officer by 2025. They also intend to “increase the number of data scientists at the firm” beginning in 2023.

15. 20 billion IoT devices are expected to be in use by 2030.

There will be an immense acceleration of the Big Data industry by 2030 where experts say 20 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be in operation. The said IoT devices—smartwatches, smartphones, smart home systems, and others—are used to accumulate data from various sources and aspects for data analysis, management, and security inside personal domains.

16. The Big Data and Analytics industry, along with Artificial Intelligence, is projected to have an annual value of $1.2 trillion in retail by 2025.

Retailers are projected to increase their competitive advantage through the use of Big Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence in the next two years. By 2025, the Big Data, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence is projected to have an annual value of $1.2 trillion thanks to the Retail Industry.

17. The projected growth of graph processing and graph databases is 100% annually.

In 2019, Gartner projected that graph databases and graph processing will grow annually at 100% over the next couple of years. This growth, the think tank explained, is due to the increase in data preparation.

Graph analytics, which shows the relationship of people with places and things, is used for a multitude of business needs from fraud detection to genome research.

18. “Data governance” online search volume increased by 100% from 2019 to 2023.

According to Gartner, the need for the protection of personal data continued to increase as seen through the enactment of various laws globally.

There is a growing clamor to protect data privacy with the onset of Big Tech giants found guilty of collecting it. An example is Google, which paid $392 billion last November 2022 for illegally collecting from various individuals their location data.

Records from 2020 show that only 10% of personal data worldwide is protected by privacy laws. This, however, will change as it is expected to increase by 75% come 2024.

19. 50% of cloud new system deployments will become a cohesive “data ecosystem” by 2024.

Gartner identified that data ecosystems will experience a shift to full cloud-native solutions from blended or independent software deployments. The renowned organization revealed this during the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit last July 31, 2023 in Sydney.

Accordingly, point solutions that are integrated manually into the cloud will disappear. Gartner said 50% of cloud new deployment systems will then become a cohesive data ecosystem by 2024.

20. Edge system point of capture will occur by at least 55% for all deep neutral networks’ data analysis come 2025.

Gartner also revealed at the Summit that there will be a 10% increase in edge environment point of capture by 2025 compared to 2021. This means that at least half or 55% of deep neural networks will perform their data analysis from the very point of capture of an edge system.

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21. In 2020, only 2% of data created and used was kept and retained in the succeeding year.

Statista published last August 2023 that a very small percentage (2%) of data created and used in 2020 was actually kept for use in 2021. That is 1.284 zettabytes of the 64.2 zettabytes of data globally captured, copied, and used in 2020.

22. Worldwide data creation is projected to grow by 180.374% in 2025.

The 64.2 zettabytes of data created worldwide in 2020 is projected by experts to reach 180 zettabytes by 2025. Accordingly, this growth in data creation was the result of the COVID-19 pandemic when home learning and entertainment options increased.

23. Data storage capacity installed base is foreseen to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 19.2% until 2025.

The increasing demand for data creation and consumption is similarly driving an increasing demand for data storage worldwide. Statista projected that the data storage capacity installed base will increase due to the increase of data volume at a compound annual growth rate of 19.2% until 2025 with 2020 as the base year. In 2020 alone, the data storage capacity installed base was recorded at 6.7 zettabytes or 6.7 billion gigabytes.

24. Experts say the number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices will increase by 92.053% in 2030.

In a July 2023 report, Statista highlighted that there will be a big influx of Internet of Things (IoT) devices like smartphones by 2030. It is estimated that by then 29 billion IoT devices will be in circulation, a 92.053% leap from 2020’s 15.1 billion. Currently, IoT devices are used across consumer markets and major industry verticals such as government, retail and wholesale, and transportation.

25. China is expected to have 27.59% of IoT devices by 2030.

Experts also predict that 27.59% of the projected 29 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices will be found in China by 2030. This translates to 8 billion consumer devices that include those used for internet and media like smartphones.

26. IoT-connected devices used in the consumer market are expected to increase by 87.4% in 2030.

There were 9.06 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the consumer market last 2020. This comprise 60% of the 15.1 billion recorded IoT devices for all markets and major verticals in the world in 2020. Experts predict that this number will become 17 billion by 2030 for the consumer market. Currently, there are more than 100 million connected IoT devices used in major industry verticals.

27. The Global Internet of Things (IoT) Market will experience a compound annual growth rate of 26.6% until 2024.

According to Energias Market Research, there will be an important growth in the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Market from 2018 to 2024. They projected that the compound annual growth rate of the said market will be 26.6% until 2024 with a value of $6.5 trillion.

The projection was based on 2017’s $1.2 trillion Global IoT Market value and a host of factors including data processing cost efficiency and increasing internet usage, among others. Energias explained that the Global IoT market includes real-time streaming analytics, data management, and remote monitoring systems.

28. There are 9,380 data centers in the world as of September 2023.

Based on a Statista survey, there are a total of 9,380 data centers in the world as of September 17, 2023. These data centers are spread across 15 countries the from the five continents of the globe. A bulk of these countries come from North America at 5,710 data centers (60.874%).

This is followed by Europe at 2,218 data centers (23.65%). On the other hand, there are 817 data centers (8.710%) in Asia, 329 data centers (3.51%) in South America, and 306 data centers (3.262%) in Oceania, which is particularly located in Australia.

29. 57.302% of data centers in the world is located in the United States.

The United States leads the world in having the most data centers at 5,375 as of September 17, 2023. This comprises 57.302% of the 9,380 data centers in the world. Germany only comes only second at 522 data centers (5.57%), which is far behind by 4,853 data centers compared to that of the United States’.

While the United Kingdom ranks third with 517 data centers (5.511%) and China ranks fourth with 448 data centers (4.78%). Canada is the last country in the top five most number of data centers in the world at 335 (3.571%).

30. 13.48% of data centers in Europe come from The Netherlands.

As of September 2023, there are only seven countries in the entire European continent with data centers used as storehouses for Big Data. The Netherlands ranks 4th among European countries comprising 13.48% of the 2,218 data centers in the continent.

Germany, which ranks 1st among European countries, comprise 23.534% or 522 data centers. The United Kingdom ranks 2nd with 517 data centers (23.31%) with France not far behind at 314 (14.16%). Russia takes the 5th spot at 255 data centers (11.50%) and Italy ranking 6th with 168 data centers (7.574%). Poland is the 7th with 143 data centers (6.45%).

31. China encompasses 54.834% of data centers in Asia.

There are only three data centers in Asia as of September 17, 2023. These are China, Japan, and India. Of the three countries, China encompasses 54.834% of data centers in Asia with 448. Japan, on the other hand, encompasses 26.68% of data centers in Asia with 218. India has 151 data centers, which comprise 18.48% of data centers in the said continent.

32. Brazil has the least number of data centers among American countries with 163 as of September 2023.

There are 6,039 data centers in the continents of North and South America. Of these data centers, Brazil ranks the lowest with only 163. This comprises 49.544% of the total number of data centers in the two continents and 2.70% in South America. The United States encompass 89.004% of data centers in the two continents and 94.133% of data centers in North America.

The rest of the American countries have the following number of data centers: Canada with 335 (5.55% of the two continents and 8.67% of North America) and Mexico with 166 (2.75% of the two continents and 50.46% of South America).

33. 39% of data strategy and results are under the responsibility of the Chief Data Officer (CDO).

According to a 2018 NewVantage Partners survey, there are different people responsible for an enterprise’s data strategy and results. These are the Chief Data Officer (CDO), which handles 39% of the responsibility; the Chief Information Officer (CIO), which handles 16%; and the Chief Analytics Officer (CAO) or Chief Data Scientist (CDS), which handles 9%. There are other C-suite executives that do 13% of the responsibility for data strategy and results. While 24% are handled by people with no single point of accountability.

34. A 26,566.7% increase was seen in the number of Chief Data Officers in the world as of 2017.

The number of Chief Data Officers (CDO) in the world jumped from 15 in 2010 to 400 in 2014, a four-year duration. This number skyrocketed to more than 4,000 CDOs across a number of roles in large organizations in 2017, which represents a 26,566.7% increase since 2010.

35. Only 3% of CDOs in the world reach a 12-year tenure as of 2017.

A 2017 survey from Gartner showed that despite the boom in demand for Chief Data Officers (CDO) in the world, only a very small percentage last long in organizations. The survey showed that 3% of CDOs last for 7 to 12 years in a company while most or 83% stay for 1 to 3 years. While 14% of CDOs render a 4 to 6 years tenure.



1. What is Big Data?

Big Data refers to a complex set of information mined from various sources on the internet by different organizations. By complex set, this means that the information gathered could be structured, semi-structured, or unstructured. Mining of data is through software and this is interpreted by specialists through data analytics.

2. Why is Big Data important?

Big Data is important because organizations use it to interpret information on consumer behavior and how it helps to achieve particular business goals. It is also used to provide business insights for better productivity, lower operation costs, and competitive market advantage, among others. In gist, it helps organizations to be more efficient and businesses to be more successful in their respective industries.

3. Do startups need Big Data, too?

Definitely! As mentioned, Big Data is useful for a business’s success and overall efficiency. Startups need Big Data as leverage over their competitors.

According to Goodwork Labs, Big Data will help startups get better business insights and improve team productivity. It is also helpful in streamlining information to a company’s various departments.

Moreover, Big Data is most useful in creating better marketing campaigns and formulating strategies for personalized customer attention.