Definitive guide

How to create a mind-blowing Student Portfolio website with/without a web designer

Best Student Portfolio Websites of 2024 | 25 Great Examples

#1 Student Portfolio Website Builder
Professional Website Example

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Welcome friendly stranger! You're looking for some inspiring Student Portfolio website designs. You found the right page.

My name is Ralph de Groot. I'm the founder and author at My Codeless Website. Wake me up for a great web design. I love writing about website examples, too! 

P.S.: I always follow our editorial policy when writing my articles, to make sure they are really helpful and useful for you.

Ralph de Groot – My Codeless Website
The best Student Portfolio websites of 2024.
Best Carousel Website Examples

1. Kabel Mishka Ligot


Kabel Mishka Ligot has a very minimalist portfolio. You can see a very clean and full of white space design with a picture of him in the middle. This is a very clean and fancy design since it looks very peaceful and easy to look at as you get to know him more.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Lots of white spaces
  • Clean and neat layout
  • Nice photograph in the center

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ira Pavlona - Model Website Examples

2. Cho Laam Yuen


Cho Laam Yuen has a very adorable and simple student portfolio. You will be greeted with her smiling photo and her name in a large text in order for you to remember her easily. The nude color palette suits her very well and shows her sophisticated and classy vibe.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great color palette
  • Large text for attention
  • Simple web design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Bohemia Design - Carousel Website Examples

3. Brandon San


Brandon San has a very great student portfolio. With the background image that maximizes the background, it is very refreshing to see how much he is enjoying what he is doing. The wide smile he’s giving us is a sign that he loves what he is doing.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Nice background image
  • Great tagline
  • Easy navigation

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Mercedes AMG - Carousel Website Examples

4. Kaylane Valane


Kaylene Valane’s student portfolio is a bit different from the first one since this one has more text and no image at all on the home page. It’s black and white as well which makes it more controversial and intriguing. One thing is for sure, she knows what she is fighting for.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Bold color scheme
  • Creative logo design
  • Intriguing web design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Dalya Green - Student Website Examples

5. Dalya Green


Dalya Green has a very mesmerizing website. I love the moving background that she has and I think that shows a lot of her personality. The colors that she chose is very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing which will definitely get the attention of the audience. The font that she used is modern and well-matched to the color palette. Well done!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Creative and playful website
  • Unique web design
  • Great background design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Carousel 3 - Carousel Website Examples

6. Diogo Correia


Diogo Correia has a theme on his student portfolio and you can easily tell that is it inspired by space and constellations. The simplicity of the design comes from the color he chose which is black and white but it doesn’t look boring because of the texture. Cool!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Nice website theme
  • Simple color palette
  • Stylish font

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Caitlin Christine - Model Website Examples

7. Leon Söllner


Leon’s portfolio just screams calmness and peace when you land on his home page. A simple background image of flowers and grass and his name in the middle show how simple he is. At the same time, you will be curious about what can he offer so check it out now!

What you can learn from this great website design 

  • Simple background
  • Neat layout
  • Minimalist theme

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Laura Granja - Model Website Examples

8. Zoe Golden-Johnson


Zoe Golden-Johnson has a clean and sleek portfolio. The classy and expensive vibes that her portfolio is giving are just mesmerizing. Especially with the soft color palette that she chose, it just screams elegance all over it. Everything is just wonderful.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Sophisticated theme
  • Soft color palette
  • Nice tagline

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Barbara Lim - Model Website Examples

9. Designs by Lacie


Lacie has a very feminine and simple design on her portfolio. It may be simple but the colors she picked for it are very aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and I know for sure that her audience loved. The font style is well-matched with the whole layout of the page.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Beautiful color palette
  • Nice font style
  • Unique web design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Victoria Togoe - Model Website Examples

10. Samantha Jackson


Samantha Jackson has a nice tagline for marketing herself out there which for me works very well. The simplicity of her layout makes you focus on her work and be amazed by every photo she took. Her portfolio is very feminine but it will make you appreciate every photo she took.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Lots of white spaces
  • Great images
  • Well-polished layout

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Nathan Koch - Student Portfolio Website Example

11. Nathan Koch


Nathan Koch has a pretty background for his portfolio. I love how he maximizes the space of the background and just simply puts texts in the middle that will link to other pages. It’s minimalist yet very aesthetically pleasing. Amazing!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great background image
  • Simple font style
  • Easy menu navigation

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Joy Corrigan - Model Website Examples

12. Kilian Walker


Kilian Walker has a unique concept for his portfolio. The home page looks like a sketch of an office which can be a little thrilling to look at since it gives a vibe like that. But if you look at it artistically, you will appreciate the aesthetic he is going for and he’s really doing so well.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Lots of white spaces
  • Unique concept
  • Creative home page

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Gigi Hadid - Model Website Examples

13. Elena Chaikin


Elena Chaikin’s student portfolio surely stands out because of the drawing and bold text she put on it. The chosen colors give it very powerful and goddess-like vibes which is a cool concept for a portfolio. The menu can easily be located since it has a large text which is helpful.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Large text for emphasis
  • Calm color scheme
  • Unique web layout

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Taoheed Bayo - Model Website Examples

14. Mackenzie Hodo


Mackenzie Hodo has a simple and colorful student portfolio. The colors on her portfolio are oozing with youthfulness and you can tell that she is a bright student based on how she described herself in the about me section of the page. Adorable!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Colorful palette
  • Well-polished content
  • Simple web design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ciana Newman - Model Website Examples

15. Ella Adams


Ella Adams’ has her own logo design which is very creative. She has different fonts on her student portfolio that show her personality. She decided to go for a black and white color scheme which is a safe choice when it comes to color since everything looks well-polished.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great color palette
  • Cool logo design
  • Great balance of black and white

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ben Emdon - Student Website Examples

16. Ben Emdon


Ben Emdon’s website is simple yet pleasing to the eyes of the eyes. With the unique color combination of blue and pink, it will definitely get the attention of the audience and will make everyone want to know more about him. His website has a lot of large text which creates an emphasis on who he is and he can be remembered easily.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great use of white spaces
  • Soft color palette
  • Simple yet outstanding visual

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Sonu Sourav - Student Website Examples

17. Sonu Sourav


Sonu Sourav has a simple website with a color combination of blue and white. The color palette that he chose may be simple but ut brings cleanliness and calmness on his website that makes everything look well-polished. The design of the website is well-balanced because of how he positioned everything. The menu is very accessible and easy to navigate as well.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Simple web design
  • Lots of white spaces
  • Simple color scheme

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Srinjoy Majumdar - Student Website Examples

18. Srinjoy Majumdar


Now what I like about Srinjoy’s website is the pastel color palette. The soft brown that she uses is very unique and shows a lot about her personality. The way she presented the information about her is well-organized to where everything looks sleek already. The font style is very modern which is very easy to read and aesthetically pleasing.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Creative concept
  • Simple web design
  • Stunning visuals

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Roxine Kee - Student Website Examples

19.  Roxine Kee


Roxine Kee’s website looks very professional already and well-polished. The stunning photograph of herself as a background shows how confident she is in what she is doing and that is just truly inspiring. Her call-to-action button may be simple but it’s effective in a way especially if you want to know more about her and gain knowledge from her. Awesome!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great and stunning visual
  • Professional-looking website
  • Stunning visual image

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Taha Khan - Student Website Examples

20. Taha Khan


Out of all the website examples that we have on this list, I think this one might be my favorite. The creativity of Taha Khan’s homepage is just simply amazing and mesmerizing. You can really see that creativity flows in his blood which is why his occupation right now is a creative director. You should check him out now!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Unique color combination
  • Fast loading website
  • Creative web design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Anna E. Windle - Student Website Examples

21. Anna E. Windle


Anna E. Windle’s website is very feminine and soft, contrary to her appearance since she looks strong and confident. The soft color palette is very refreshing to the eyes and aesthetically pleasing. You can definitely tell that she personalized her website in order to get to know her more. Everything looks fun and well-polished on her website. Job well done!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Lots of white spaces
  • Great web layout
  • Aesthetically pleasing design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Mingxi Wu - Student Portfolio Website

22. Mingxi Wu


What I truly love about Mingxi’s portfolio is that she didn’t forget about her culture and made it her own branding. The Chinese characters and mixture of dark colors is really visually pleasing and a stunner. I know you will love it too, so check it out now!

What you can learn from this great website design 

  • Professional website design
  • Awesome color scheme
  • Simple web layout

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Kayla Padilla - Student Website Examples

23. Kayla Padilla


Kayla Padilla’s website is simple but full of information. I think she is so cool because of her interests and how well she is doing in her academics already. The color combination is simple but works well with each other. The color blue is used to highlight the white texts that draw a lot of attention and makes the audience more focused.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Simple web design
  • Fast loading website
  • Minimalist layout

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Kelly He

24. Kelly He


Kelly He is presently taking her Masters in Architecture at Columbia University. Her website opens with an interesting full-page animated image scroller of her finished architectural projects and computer-aided designs. A good starter for her portfolio to begin with! I like how straightforward and interactive her content is, which shows her creativity and strength as a visual communicator through art work, photographs, and architectural design.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Well-planned content and navigation

  • Visually-stunning artwork, photographs, and design

  • Simple layout but with interactive features

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Kantwon Rogers

25. Kantwon Rogers


Kantwon Roger’s portfolio website is full of life. Starting from his landing page, which contains a realistic avatar of himself; to the rest of the website that’s bursting with color. This Computer Science PhD student is no where nerdy but rather very creative in the layout and overall design of his website. It looks like a pretty scrapbook with emojis interspersed in the copy, cut-out of photographs, and vector icons designed with geometric shapes as backgrounds. Really nice!

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Out-of-the box layout and design

  • Colorful and interesting visuals

  • Personalized and friendly tone of writing

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Dalya Baron

26. Dalya Baron


Dayla Baron is one of the chosen recipients of the prestigious Carnegie-Princeton University fellowship grant. The scholarship allows students to further their skills and knowledge through research work. Currently finishing her post-doctoral degree, Dayla’s portfolio website features a lovely photograph of herself beside a brief description of what she does. The website has simple navigation, clear copywriting, and interesting videos from Dayla’s YouTube channel. The muted color theme works well in maintaining a professional vibe in the website.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Simple design and clean layout

  • Clear, professional copywriting

  • Interesting videos showcasing her knowledge and expertise

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Devansh Gandhi

27. Devansh Gandhi


Devansh Gandhi is an Interaction Design student at the University of Washington. A factor his website immediately presents through a tiled-layout of bright-colored graphics and photos with nice mouseover effects. Clicking each item leads you to a page containing a case study of his completed design. Very detailed and interesting! Besides the simple menu and easy navigation, Devansh also made it a point to mention companies who featured his website including a design summit.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Use of social proofs

  • Interactive and factual content

  • Minimalist design

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Cristina Clerici

28. Cristina Clerici


Cristina Clerici features the synopsis of her research papers in the website, which reinforces her capabilities and expertise as a soon-to-be Economics doctorate degree holder. SEO wise, her website uses generous links to further build up the credibility of her content. Overall, her white-themed website is straightforward, clean, and easy-to-navigate.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Clean and orderly content

  • Uses linkages for SEO

  • Good navigation

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Jonathan Rodriguez

29. Jonathan Rodriguez


Jonathan Rodriguez sure knows the importance of providing outstanding user experience through a website. Not only is his student portfolio website visually appealing, it also loads quickly, clean, and easy-to-navigate. His choice of pastel orange and bright pink as color theme gives the website a cheerful and playful vibe. While the clean layout, organized content, and clear copywriting brings a touch of professionalism to balance the design. Not to mention the client reviews and news items he was featured in.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Impressive portfolio

  • Well-planned navigation, content, and visuals

  • Lots of social proofs

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Brianna De Man

30. Brianna De Man


A Cedarville University student for Professional Writing and Information Design, Brianne De Man welcomes visitors to her website through a picture of her beaming from ear to ear. The picture is accompanied by a brief introduction about her and what she does, written in a friendly tone. Interestingly, Brianne created an attractive logo colored blue and orange for herself. These brand colors are used throughout the website, with orange particularly highlighting important information. It’s her way of showcasing her prowess in design.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Use of color for visual hierarchy

  • Strong branding

  • Simple design with friendly vibe

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Jumana Adams

31. Jumana Adams


Jumana Adams is a Fine Arts student in her senior year. Her website conveys her artistic temperament through her unique choice of typography and self-portrait. The copywriting exudes warmth and authenticity since it is written from the heart. While her dropdown menu shows her attention and knack for order since her content is well categorized by year. This is similarly seen in the actual presentation of the contents that even use CTA buttons.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Straightforward design

  • Organized content

  • Good copywriting

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Emma Ward-Griffin

32. Emma Ward-Griffin


Emma Ward-Griffin’s portfolio website opens directly to its About Section, giving visitors information on who she is and what she does on the onset. The copywriting is enticing and clear using rounded fonts for easy reading. This information is spaced accordingly to allow lots of spaces in between text. While a round-cut, smiling photo of her completes the picture of who she is. This UC Berkley Department of Psychology PhD candidate loaded her website with articles, reports, and research paper she’s written to highlight her expertise.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Lots of white spaces

  • Credible and straightforward content

  • Simple design and layout

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Meredith Zukor

33. Meredith Zukor


Unlike other student portfolio websites, Meredith Zukor made it a point to use her photograph only in the About Me Section. A University of Cincinnati Instructional Design student finishing her Masters Degree, she sure knows how to add a sense of mystery to her website. A concise description of herself and strengths welcomes visitors on the onset, followed by a feature of her recent projects. Interestingly, her current projects also give a glimpse of who she is as a person through snippets of her learnings and reflections.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Minimalist layout

  • Compelling copywriting

  • Professionally-designed

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Carleen Markey

34. Carleen Markey


Carleen Markey uses muted hues of gray in her website’s graphics and backgrounds. This is accentuated by dark reds in text headers, lines, and call-to-action buttons. Using a minimalist layout, her website has a unique design with the menu arranged vertically on the left side of the screen. The names of the sections are also extraordinary since it focuses on her fields of specialization. There are also lots of white spaces and ample photos for featured research papers she has written.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Intriguing menu names and content

  • Use of color for visual hierarchy

  • Consistent color theme in use

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Ashley Cortez

35. Ashley Cortez


Ashley Cortez uses a cute typography for her name in her website matched with a humorous description of herself, too. She also made sure her name is colored differently and that her self-description is sandwiched by similar-colored CTA buttons. It’s a great technique for memory recall! This format is used consistently throughout the website where violet text headers highlight each published work. Since this student is taking Digital Journalism at California State University, her portfolio website purposefully omitted her photograph and showcased what she’s good at: writing!

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Nice design concept

  • Use of color for visual hierarchy

  • Playful vibe through choice of typography

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Best Student Portfolio Websites_Karn Imwattana

36. Karn Imwattana


A Duke University Biology graduate student, Karn Imwattana specifically used a picture of himself out in a lush, flowery field. The photo speaks a lot of what he does, which complements the copywriting below it. Unique to his portfolio is a sign-up form to his blog, which is presented in a minimalist design. The copywriting, by the way, is personalized and friendly. There also lots of interesting photos accompanying his blog posts.

What you can learn from this student portfolio website design

  • Minimalist design

  • Well-chosen photo above the fold

  • Good copywriting

🚀 The website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Inspiring Student Portfolio website templates

These are my favourites.

BONUS – Here is my favorite template

Futuristic Website Template


Why this is such a great template

  • Clean design, great to turn visitors into customers
  • WordPress compatible, easy to customize
  • Free download if you’re a Divi member

BONUS: Elegant Themes


Although this one shouldn't be on the list - I couldn't keep this one from you. Elegant themes has amazing website themes and leads by example. Their own homepage looks stunning. 

What can you learn from this great website 

  • Playful design
  • Clear call to actions 
  • Great user experience 

Award-Winning Web Designers 🎉

I highly recommend you to have a look at their portfolios



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What makes a good student portfolio website?

A great student portfolio should have a clean design, be easy to navigate and include a lot of social proof. Have a look at this page for great example websites.

How to create a student portfolio website?

  1. Analyze the best examples on this page
  2. Make notes of what you like – and what you don’t like
  3. Design your own site with this a drag & drop website builder 
  4. Publish your website with our recommended hosting platform.

How much does a student portfolio website cost?

A web designer will charge anywhere between $1000 and $1500 for a decent website. However, this article will teach you to do it yourself for less than $100.

What information is needed on a student portfolio website?

Your website will need at least the following pages: ‘Home, About me, Contact, Portfolio’. To create trust with your visitor, it’s important to show lots of pictures of your brand.


Next steps to build your Student Portfolio website

1. Find a template to get started

When building a Student Portfolio website, I prefer not to start from scratch. Get started with a template that you can 100% adjust to how you like it.

2. Try 14-Days For Free

I recommend Wix to build a Student Portfolio website. If you use this button you can sign up and cancel within 14-days and get 100% of your money back no matter the reason.

3. Find a web designer

Don't want to build your Student Portfolio website alone? Work with a web designer. I selected a few affordable yet amazing web designers for you.