Definitive guide

How to Unblur Text from a Website

How to Unblur Text from a Website — Easy Hacks 2025

If you have been wondering how to unblur text from a website, you don’t have to worry anymore. You’ve come to the right place!

Blurred texts are very common, especially on sites that want you to buy a subscription from them first before you finally see the full content. Many of us may have encountered this already.

But we are here right now to teach you hacks to see the contents behind those blurred texts, and we know that this is easy to follow.

Why do websites blur their content?

Before heading to the hacks that we are talking about, let us first know why websites blur their content.

Websites frequently blur their content to keep their material only available to members and paying subscribers. Some websites that blur material do not demand you subscribe to read it. 

Some only ask for your email address or for you to join up for a free trial or membership. Others provide a brief window of content browsing before the barrier appears.

How to unblur text from a website?

Now that we’ve learned why websites do it let us jump to the hacks on how to unblur the text easily.

We are giving you five methods to unblur the text from a website.

1. Use a proxy like Google Translate

Unblurring text on a website is possible with the help of Google Translate. Use it to view a web page’s complete translated version if the content is blurry. This is how:

  • Open the website with the text you want to unblur.
  • Copy the page URL.
  • Next, open Google Translate and paste the URL in the left box.
  • Click the URL that appears on the right box. If you want to read the content in a different language besides English, just pick a language of your choice and click the link that has been refreshed.

After doing the steps, it should open a new tab with an unblurred version of the website for you.

2. Use Internet Archive‘s Wayback Machine

Anyone may store and search versions of web pages using the WayBack Machine from the Internet Archive. Additionally, the utility archives cached pages and web crawls. If there are any stored copies of a paywalled article, use it to search for them.

We will teach you how to unblur the text using this tool. This is how:

  • Copy the URL of the site with the blurred text you want to view.
  • Next, go to Internet Archive and paste the URL into the Wayback Machine search bar to check if the page is archived.
  • Select the page version you wish to see. Choose the most recent archived version depending on the date and time for the most recent material. On the calendar, it shows available archived versions in blue circles.

After following the steps, it should direct you to the archived version of the page you chose, where you can finally see the unblurred version of the text.

3. Open the text from Google Search

In order to increase traffic, several websites that charge members for access to premium material also enable free users to read the whole page of the link they clicked. 

When using this strategy, you can only read the URL content you clicked on; otherwise, a paywall will appear the farther you navigate the website. Here’s how to do this hack:

  • You may examine the blurry text by copying the page’s title and pasting it into Google Search. The page title may be found by hovering over the page’s tab. If you can’t highlight and copy the page title, input it manually. 

Put the website name at the end or beginning of your search term for more precise results.

  • Click on the result with the same page URL as the page you want to unblur. The whole page should now be accessible for viewing. Put the website name at the end or beginning of your search term for more precise results.

4. View blurred content using Inspect Element

    You may inspect and change a website’s source code, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and media files with the Inspect tool. This function lets you unblur text on select websites, and any changes you make are immediately visible on the page you’re “inspecting.” This is how to apply it:

    • The Inspect section should appear on the right or at the bottom of your browser window when you right-click anywhere on the website you wish to unblur.
    • Decide which line of code deals with the blurred content. Make sure you choose the parent element, which is the one that contains all the smaller components that make up the blocker. We’re looking for a line that begins “aside class=”Paywall” on the selected page.
    • Once you’ve located the right line, use the context menu to right-click it and select “Delete element.” This removes the page’s blocker element.
    • You must change the code beginning with “<body…” in the next line. Look for the code that reads “style=”overflow: hidden;” there.
    • Change the property value from “hidden” to “visible” by selecting “Edit attribute” from the shortcut menu when you right-click on this snippet.

    The text blurred by the website may now be seen thanks to this action.

    5. Switch to Reader Mode

    Most contemporary browsers have a “reader” mode that eliminates distracting elements like advertising from online pages. Reader Mode is what Chrome calls it, while Reader View is what Firefox and Safari name it.

    Some websites’ paywalls or blurry material can be seen in this mode. You must activate it before you can use it to unblur text because it is an optional feature in some browsers.

    To use Reader Mode on Google Chrome:

    • Enter chrome:/flags in the URL bar of a new tab.
    • Look for “Enable Reader Mode” in the “Experiments” section, and choose “Enabled” from the drop-down option to the right of it. To implement changes, start Google Chrome once again.

    After restarting, you should see the Reader Mode icon in the address bar.

    Go to the website where the blurred text is located and choose Reader Mode from the menu. It should transition to a clear version of the website.

    Wrap Up

    After teaching you different hacks, you can now easily unblur text from a website. Nothing seems difficult, right? If you do it properly, you can easily unblur the content you want.

    In this post, we’ve gone through every technique in depth for removing blur from text or websites. Use of these techniques for data theft or copyright infringement on any website is strictly prohibited and penalized.


    Is unblurring a website illegal?

    If you apply the following techniques and don’t plan to reproduce, distribute, or otherwise exploit the blurred content for commercial gain, it is allowed to unblur a website.

    Can unblurred text be reversed?

    Kind of. There is no need to reverse the unblurred content when using Google Translate, Internet Archive, and Google Search to unblur text. Just use the back button on the page. Refresh the page to reverse unblurred text for the Inspect tool. To reveal the paywall material once more when in Reader Mode, click the Reader Mode symbol.