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Best AdSense Websites of 2025 | 18  Examples

How to create a mind-blowing AdSense website with/without a web designer

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Ralph de Groot – Web Design Expert at My Codeless Website
👋 My Experience With AdSense Web Design

Hi – it’s Ralph here 👋 In the past 10 years, I’ve designed 3+ websites for AdSense. What I learned over the years building websites for AdSense:


PS: I suggest taking a look at the website examples below. Get inspired by their designs and see which website builders they’ve used. Best of luck!

👋 How I curated this list

Welcome friendly stranger! You’re looking for some inspiring website examples. You found the right page.

About me

My name is Ralph de Groot. I’m the founder and author at My Codeless Website. Wake me up for a great web design. I love writing about website examples, too!

How I curated this list

Once a year I collect 500 website examples to create/update this article. I create a shortlist which I send to my team of web designers. Together, we vote to determine the order of this list.

Next to that, I always follow our editorial policy when writing my articles, to make sure they are really helpful and useful for you.

Home » Blogs » Website Examples » Best AdSense Websites of 2025 | 18 Examples

Best Carousel Website Examples

1. The Verge


The Verge is an informational website about technology. They have a black background but a very colorful graphic visual that can make the readers enjoy their time there. They even have a futuristic font style which is very modern and gives them a personal branding that can help them to easily stand out. Nice!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Playful color scheme
  • Creative logo
  • Well-polished website

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ezoic - Adsense Website Examples

2. Fortune  


The designer of Fortune’s website knows their way around the classic color scheme of black and white. The content truly sparkles as it’s showcased on something that’s a feast for the eyes. The striking contrast between black and white adds appeal, making everything user-friendly and accessible for individuals with visual impairment. How cool is that?

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Simple and professional 
  • Well-thought layout 
  • A website full of information

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Joy Corrigan - Model Website Examples

3. Reuters


Reuter decided to use a lot of orange tones for its news website, which is an excellent choice. For those of you who don’t know, orange is often used to portray youth, playfulness, and being bold. We also see it as healthy, energizing, and attention-grabbing – perfect for a platform as profound as this! 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Great choice of colors 
  • Well-planned information architecture 
  • Accessible to all users 

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Victoria Togoe - Model Website Examples

4. The Times


The Times looks so classy for a news website. I love how they aim to look professional with the use of a black palette. Black is an elegant color. Even for websites, a black color palette adds a note of gracefulness and high style. So a lot of luxury and high-end brands incorporate black to their color scheme.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Classy background color 
  • Elicits gracefulness and high style 
  • Accessible to all users 

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website - Adsense Website Examples

5. BBC


With such a wide range of news and articles, BBC is like a treasure hunt for the perfect piece of information. With that, the designer carefully arranged all elements to facilitate comprehension for every visitor. The entire content is beautifully showcased against a clean white backdrop, bringing you the utmost visual comfort as you read.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Clean backdrop color 
  • Great content placement 
  • Neat and professional

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ciana Newman - Model Website Examples

6. Forbes


Forbes knows how to emphasize its news by giving it the spotlight it deserves through a smooth, clean layout. Elegance is found in simplicity. Their website just exudes elegance and sophistication just like what their brand is all about. I love everything about this website.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Professional web design
  • Clean layout 
  • Uncluttered menu structure

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

SHE Media - Adsense Website Examples

7. USA Today 


This awesome website boldly embraced the center as its only destination for all its content. Upon visiting the website, it is observed that no elements are present on the sides of the webpage. As a result, readers can engage in a seamless browsing experience and consume news content in a streamlined manner, thereby enhancing their overall efficiency and productivity! 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Uncluttered design
  • Professional to look at 
  • A well-rounded approach to web design

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Propeller Ads - Adsense Website Examples

8. Huffpost 


The website designer at Huffpost is a master of simplicity! They know that a clean and sleek design is like a magnet for your eyes, effortlessly guiding you to the most crucial parts of the page and urging you to take action. The photos are all shrunk down, and the texts have been snipped to ensure new visitors are kept from being bombarded!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Simple and professional 
  • Well-thought layout 
  • A website full of information

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Popcash - Adsense Website Examples

9. Buzzfeed  


Buzzfeed’s website is livelier compared to other informative websites. I adore how they went all out with yellow, making every space burst with joy and banishing any hint of boredom. It’s like a burst of sunshine that you can’t help but feel pumped up! You’ll also appreciate the unique use of geometric forms across the site. It’s like watching a masterwork of modern art come to life before your eyes.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Simple and professional 
  • Well-thought layout 
  • A website full of information 

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Adclickmedia - Adsense Website Examples

10. CNN  


CNN’s website is everything but dull, despite its informative nature. I adore how they go the extra mile to create unique and captivating featured photos for every single one of their blogs. It adds such a personal touch and elevates the overall quality of their writing. Not only that, but the designer cleverly placed all the content instead of haphazardly scattering it all over the place. Neat!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Captivating featured photos 
  • Designed cleverly 
  • All information displayed properly 

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Disney Advertising - Adsense Website Examples

11. Gizmodo  


Gizmodo’s website is packed with content from all corners. The designers left no space untouched!  It might be a bit much for some people, but at least they’re leaving no stone unturned! No time to waste! Well, I suppose it all boils down to personal taste. Overall, the design is absolutely top-notch and totally worth checking out! The typefaces are also quite polished. 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Polished typefaces 
  • Packed with content 
  • Informative website 

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Mediavine - Adsense Website Examples



This news platform has truly embraced the entire color spectrum to inject some serious appeal into its overall design.  Awesome. Although there are hundreds of content on the homepage, the designer made sure the visitor isn’t overwhelmed at all! 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Spirited website
  • Nice choice of colors 
  • Stylish typeface

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Ciana Newman - Model Website Examples

13. The Washington Post


The Washington Post used long vertical lines to divide each news nicely. Aligning information in a design creates a clear path for the eye to follow. Remember that the human eye enjoys following roads, trails, and rivers. When you disrupt that sequence, the eye will wonder why.

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Clean. professional design 
  • Accessible to all 
  • Clean news structure

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Barbara Lim - Model Website Examples

14. Bloomberg


As you visit Bloomberg, you’ll see a lot of lines as part of the web design. To determine the overall direction of the page, the designer employed a specific linear flow. If you’re into lines and would like to use them as website element, this one should be your inspiration. 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Wide range of color schemes – striking, bold, bright
  • Motion graphics are of superb quality!
  • Use of lines as part of the whole web design

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Carousel 3 - Carousel Website Examples

15. SF Gate


SF Gate wants you to read every piece of its news by nicely enlarging the fonts. Reading is not enjoyable if you have difficulty seeing the text because they are too small. As a result, ensure that suitable font sizes and styles are used. Learn from this example! 

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Large fonts
  • High-quality and relevant content 
  • Simple web design

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Skimlinks - Adsense Website Examples

16. All About Cookies 


Like any other business website, all About Cookies looks modern and streamlined. No writings, images, or data are overbearing. Upon visiting, you’ll only see a long blog in the middle, passionately detailing its significance and all the incredible things it has in store. This site’s simplistic layout allows the content to shine without being overshadowed by unnecessary design features!

What you can learn from this great website design

  • Looks modern and streamlines 
  • No writings, images, or data are overbearing 
  • All content takes center stage

🚀 Here's the website builder I recommend to replicate this website

Inspiring AdSense website templates

These are my favourites.

BONUS – Here is my favorite template

SightSeeing Tours Website Template

Futuristic Website Template


Why this is such a great template

  • Clean design, great to turn visitors into customers
  • WordPress compatible, easy to customize
  • Free download if you’re a Divi member
Wix Website Example



Although this one shouldn't be on the list - I couldn't keep this one from you. Wix has amazing website themes and leads by example. Their own homepage looks stunning.

What can you learn from this great website

  • Playful design
  • Clear call to actions
  • Great user experience

Award-Winning Web Designers 🎉

I highly recommend you to have a look at their portfolios



Arch Web Design
We're a Canadian Webflow agency that helps SaaS companies increase their revenue using high-converting websites. We've worked with over 200 SaaS companies and see an average 3.7x increase in website leads.

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Vrrb is an award-winning creative agency based in Los Angeles.  14+ years of experience building extraordinary websites, applications, and digital solutions for the world's most recognizable brands.

Our core services include branding, website design/development, mobile apps, digital strategy, and ongoing support
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Clients include Ferrari, Visa, HP, UCLA, and Behr Paint


What makes a good AdSense website design?

A great AdSense website should have a clean design, be easy to navigate, and include a lot of social proof. Have a look at this page for great example websites.

How to create an AdSense website design?

  1. Analyze the best examples on this page
  2. Make notes of what you like – and what you don’t like
  3. Design your own site with this a drag & drop website builder 
  4. Publish your website with our recommended hosting platform.

How much does an AdSense website cost?

A web designer will charge anywhere between $1000 and $3000 for a decent website. However, this article will teach you to do it yourself for less than $100.

What information is needed on an AdSense website?

Your website will need at least the following pages: ‘Home, About me, Contact, and Portfolio’. To create trust with your visitor, it’s important to show lots of pictures of your brand.

Did they use a site builder?
Found a cool website? Find out how they built it!
Next steps to build your AdSense website

1. Find a template to get started

When building a AdSense website, I prefer not to start from scratch. Get started with a template that you can 100% adjust to how you like it.

2. Try 14-Days For Free

I recommend Wix to build a AdSense website. If you use this button you can sign up and cancel within 14-days and get 100% of your money back no matter the reason.

3. Find a web designer

Don't want to build your AdSense website alone? Work with a web designer. I selected a few affordable yet amazing web designers for you.